Today's the once every four-years Leap Year Day, and it's the final day of the 13909 Antiques Leap Year Sale!
Stop by and take advantage of a bevy of items On-Sale, and discounted between 15% and 25%
Celebrate Leap Year Day with scoring a great Antique, Vintage, or Collectible Item!
We have hundreds to choose from, across genres, from 18th Century to Mid-Century items, large and small, and, a couple of oddball items.
You won't be disappointed!
If your are a rabid collector, or, just out hunting for the first time, you'll likely find what you're looking for here, at 13909 Antiques.
Or something better ...
We're open today - Leap Year Day - from 11AM to 6PM, so come one by.
13909 Antiques
290 Moody Street
Waltham MA 02453
Business Hours
Monday: 11AM - 6PM
Tuesday: Off - By Appointment
Wednesday: 10AM - 7PM
Thursday: 11AM - 8PM
Friday: 10AM - 4PM
Saturday: 10AM - 6PM
Sunday: 10AM - 5PM
Come by, 13909 Antiques ... Everywhere you look, you'll find a gem, a unique item, or that long-sought piece you were lookling for ... Some say we remind them of their Grandparents house ... We have a bevy of Antique and Vintage furnishing, lamps, knic knacs, costume jewlery, old magazines , Vintage Glass and much, much more ... If you like to rummage, 13909 Antiques is the place for you ... Open until 8PM on Thursdays, and we now offer Gift Certificates!
Store Policy - Don't be shy ... You won't insult us by making an offer, we, graciously , listen to all offers